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Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIW) Awareness Month

This guide gathers together resources available online or held in the Butler Library collection on the topic of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.

Further Reading

The following books may be available via inter-library loan.

Anderson, A. B., Kubik, W., & Hampton, M. R. (2010). Torn from our midst : voices of grief, healing and action from the Missing Indigenous Women Conference, 2008.

Boyden, J. (Ed.). (2014). Kwe: Standing with our sisters. Penguin Canada.

Goulding, W. (2001). Just another Indian: A serial killer and Canada’s indifference. Fifth House.

Jonnie, B., Shingoose, N., & Shannacappo, N. (2019). If I go missing. James Lorimer & Company Ltd., Publishers.

McDiarmid, J. (2019). Highway of Tears: A true story of racism, indifference, and the pursuit of justice for missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls (First  Atria Books hardcover edition.). Atria Books, an imprint of Simon & Schuster.

Michalko, R. (2016). Obstruction of justice: The search for truth on Canada's highway of tears. Red Deer Press.

Walter, E., Ouriou, S., & Morelli, C. (2015). Stolen sisters: The story of two missing girls, their families and how Canada has failed Indigenous women (S. Ouriou & C. Morelli, Trans.; Hardcover edition.). HarperCollins Publishers Ltd.

Coming Soon!

The following books have been purchased and will soon be added to the Butler Library collection.

Scofield, G. (2016). Witness, I am. Nightwood Editions.

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