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Library Tutorials

Butler Library Tutorials

About Library Tutorials:

The E. H. Butler Library has teamed up with Instructional Design and Distance Learning to create a series of short library tutorials native to SUNY Buffalo State University's video platform YuJa. These videos have been chuncked out using Universal Design for Learning guidelines. They may be linked to or embedded in any of your Brightspace course. Each video is under 3.5 minutes and is designed to help your students navigate the library with maximum ease.

Each page will have an embedded video available for you to view as well as the link to embed in your course.

Tutorials Available:
  • Searching Items in AllSearch
  • Using Filters in AllSearch
  • Pinning Items in AllSearch
  • Accessing Course Reserves
  • Utilizing Equipment Loan
  • APA Citations & Formatting
  • Popular vs Scholarly Sources


Buffalo State logo
E. H. Butler Library, SUNY Buffalo State
1300 Elmwood Ave, Buffalo, NY 14222
Phone: (716) 878 6300
Fax: (716) 878-3134
Accessibility Policy
