Electronic & Information Technology (EIT) Procurement Policy
As per the Buffalo State College Electronic & Information Technology Accessibility Plan, a checklist will be observed by the EIT Compliance Officer upon procurement of a new electronic resource. E. H. Butler Library will record the responses of this checklist for procurement of newly acquired electronic resources to ensure a transparent and thorough vetting process of EIT Accessibility as per the Buffalo State Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Plan. Occasionally, a non-compliant library resource may need to be acquired for reasons of accreditation, seminal purposes, grant requirements, or other reasons. This policy is designed to gauge compliance and properly prepare for remediation requests for those resources that fall below the standards of the Buffalo State College EIT Plan. This form will record:
- Vendor
- Vendor Accessibility Contact
- Intended Audience
- Audience Restrictions
- Obligations to Grant and/or Accreditation Organization
- Availability of Alternative Formats
- Compatibility with Campus Learning Management System
- Documented Accessibility Issues According to Open Library Database
- Availability of VPAT and Accessibility Statement from Vendor
If you have any questions regarding our procurement policy documentation or specific products featured through E. H. Butler Library please contact the EIT Accessibility Compliance Officer Chris Hulsman, 716-878-3291 or hulsmacm@buffalostate.edu.