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Citation Help

American Psychological Association (APA)

The American Psychological Association is the largest scientific and professional organization of psychologists in the United States, with over 146,000 members, including scientists, educators, clinicians, consultants, and students. The APA oversees a citation and formatting style for research in the Social Sciences and other disciplines.

APA Citations Tutorial & Practice

Below are some helpful links of an APA tutorial and an interactive activity that will help you better understand APA style. For the activity, download the APA activity template and follow the directions on the activity directions. Please contact a Librarian for further help.

APA Tutorial Videos 

The following videos are included in the interactive tutorial link above. To only watch the video content, please see the videos below.

Introduction to APA Citation & Formatting Style

The following video will introduce you to APA formatting. Learn about how formatting and citations work. For a more interactive experience, please click on the the APA Tutorial link above 

APA Reference List Citations 

The following video will discuss what an APA reference list citation is and how to construct one. 

APA Intext Citations 

Learn how to directly quote and paraphrase your sources in the text of your paper using APA citations with the following video. 


Using MS Word to Format Your APA Paper  

The following video is a step-by-step exercise on how to use techniques in MS Word to assist you while formatting your APA paper. Feel free to just watch video OR you can follow along! Please download the documents below the video.  

  • MS Word APA Activity Template: This is a Word document that you can use to follow along with the video. Feel free to pause the video, rewind, and re-watch.  
  • MS Word APA Directions: This PDF is a printable list of the directions carried out in the video. 
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