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Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

E. H. Butler Library information on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion initiatives, including links to research, local, and national information.

Accessibility Definitions 

Accessibility - having a place, environment, or event that is set up to be barrier free for all individuals to access (

Accessible - easily used or accessed by people with or without disabilities (

Accessible Design - a design process in which the needs of people with disabilities are specifically considered (

Universal Design - the design of products and environments to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialized design (

Usable Design - a design process in which products that are created are easy and efficient to use (

Library Resources on Accessibility 

Journals & Periodicals
Notable Articles
Open Internet Websites
Videos & Multimedia

Buffalo State Resources

Buffalo State logo
E. H. Butler Library, SUNY Buffalo State
1300 Elmwood Ave, Buffalo, NY 14222
Phone: (716) 878 6300
Fax: (716) 878-3134
Accessibility Policy
