Welcome to the SUNY Buffalo State Professional Development Schools Consortium! The PDS seeks to develop mutually beneficial collaboration for all stakeholders by leveraging the combined resources of the College and our partnering schools/community agencies. Governed by the TEUPAC advisory group, the goal is to align with the national standards for school-university partnerships to structure the PDS while building in flexibility to serve individual school/community agency need. (Click here to learn more about the National Association for PDS Nine Essentials that frame our work.)
The SUNY Buffalo State PDS began in 1991 with one school partner. Today, our PDS maintains relationships with over 100 school and community partners with about 45 signed agreements per semester. PDS connects Buffalo State to school and community partners in WNY, NYC, Houston/Aldine, and across five continents.
I encourage you to explore the website to learn more about the Buffalo State PDS Consortium. Please feel free to contact me with questions and comments.
Keli Garas-York