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Faculty Civic and Community Engagement
Community-Engaged Learning in Remote and Online Environments
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Faculty Civic and Community Engagement
Civic & Community Engagement guide contains information for Buffalo State Faculty interested in integrating community engagement into their teaching and research.
Best Practices
Reflection Resources
Suggested Reading
Research & Scholarship
Books & Journals at E. H. Butler Library
Research Databases through E. H. Butler Library
Community Engagement Organizations and Associations
Community-Engaged Learning in Remote and Online Environments
Community-Engaged Learning in Remote and Online Environments
Best Practices
Learning Outcomes and Assessment
Sample Coursework
Data & Statistics
Spotlight on Scholarship
Additional Resources
Community-Engaged Learning in Remote and Online Environments
Best Practices
Becnel, K., & Moeller, R. A. (2017). Community-embedded learning experiences: Putting the pedagogy of service-learning to work in online courses. Open Learning, 32(1), 56–65.
Eigel Center for Community-Engaged Learning (n.d.). Considerations for supporting community engaged courses via remote learning. Xavier University
Germain, M.L. (2019). Integrating service-learning and consulting in distance education. Emerald Publishing.
GivePulse Team (2020). eService-learning basics & best practices
Helms, M. M., Rutti, R. M., Hervani, A. A., LaBonte, J., & Sarkarat, S. (2015). Implementing and Evaluating Online Service Learning Projects. Journal of Education for Business, 90(7), 369–378.
McWhorter, R. R., Delello, J. A., & Roberts, P. B. (2016). Giving back: Exploring service-learning in an online learning environment. Journal of Interactive Online Learning, 14(2), 80-99.
Strait, J., & Nordyke, K. J. (Eds.). (2015). eService-learning : Creating experiential learning and civic engagement through online and hybrid courses. Stylus.
Waldner, L. S., McGorry, S. Y., & Widener, M. C. (2012). E-service-learning: The evolution of service-learning to engage a growing online student population. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, 16(2), 123-150.
Learning Outcomes and Assessment
Bukas Marcus, V., Azean Atan, N., Mohd Yusof, S., & Tahir, L. (2020). A systematic review of e-service learning in higher education. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, 14(6), 4-14.
Helms, M. M., Rutti, R. M., Hervani, A. A., LaBonte, J., & Sarkarat, S. (2015). Implementing and Evaluating Online Service Learning Projects. Journal of Education for Business, 90(7), 369–378.
Schwehm, J. S., Lasker-Scott, T., & Elufiede, O. (2017). A comparison of learning outcomes for adult students in on-site and online service-learning. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, 20(1).
Sample Coursework
Campus Compact Syllabi Library
Bourelle, T. (2014). Adapting service-learning into the online technical communication classroom: A framework and model. Technical Communication Quarterly, 23(4), 247–264.
Early, J., & Lasker, G. A. (2018). Strengthening communities of inquiry online and offline: Exploring the benefits and challenges of including service-learning in a fully online women’s global health course. Pedagogy in Health Promotion, 4(3), 218–226.
Nielsen, D. (2016). Facilitating service learning in the online technical communication classroom. Journal of Technical Writing and Communication, 46(2), 236–256.
Pike, P. D. (2017). Improving music teaching and learning through online service: A case study of a synchronous online teaching internship. International Journal of Music Education, 35(1), 107–117.
Community Engagement Organizations and Associations
Data & Statistics >>
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