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Reproductive Justice

Resources in the Butler Library collection on reproductive justice, research tips for students, and resource links for those in need of support.

Where to Look in the Library

The Library of Congress classification system is complex and can be very confusing. Librarians are available for research appointments to help you find the resources you are looking for!

If you are interested in browsing the stacks, places to start include:

  • HQ (Social Sciences: Women and families)
    • HQ 31-64 Sex education
    • HQ 755.7-759.92  Parents and parenthood
    • HQ 763+, 766.2+ Contraception and birth control
    • HQ 767+ Abortion
    • HQ 767.8-799.2 Family and child development, including child care
    • HQ 998-999 Single parents
    • HQ 1101-2030.7 Women and feminism
  • HV (Social Sciences: Social welfare)
    • HV 697-700.7 Welfare for families and mothers
    • HV 701-1420.5 Welfare for children
  • KF (Law: Law of the United States)
    • KF 226-228 Civil trials
    • KF 481 Fetuses as natural persons
    • KF 3771 Abortion law
    • KF 3776 Birth control law
    • KF 9315 Criminal law related to abortion and procuring miscarriage
  • RG (Medicine: Gynecology and obstetrics)
    • RG 133-138 Conception and contraception
    • RG 500-991 Obstetrics (including pregnancy, miscarriage, prenatal care, and labor)

Keywords to Search For

Searching in library databases can be challenging, especially if you do not know what keywords to focus on.

Search terms to consider include:

  • abortion
  • abstinence-based sex education
  • adoption
  • childbirth
  • comprehensive sex education
  • contraception OR birth control OR [specific method of birth control, like "IUD' or "vasectomy"]
  • in vitro fertilization
  • menstruation
  • pregnancy
  • pro-choice movement OR abortion rights movement
  • pro-life movement OR anti-abortion movement
  • reproductive justice
  • reproductive rights
  • surrogacy
  • unplanned pregnancy

Librarians are available for research appointments to help you find the resources you are looking for!

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E. H. Butler Library, SUNY Buffalo State
1300 Elmwood Ave, Buffalo, NY 14222
Phone: (716) 878 6300
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