Title: The George K. Arthur Political Papers
Date Span: 1961-2010
Acquisition Number: N/A
Creator: George Arthur
Donor: George Arthur
Date of Acquisition: N/A
Extent: 115 boxes; 13 scrapbooks; 152 linear ft.
Language: English
Location: Archives & Special Collections Department, E. H. Butler Library, SUNY Buffalo State
Processed: Peggy Hatfield, 2000; Hope Dunbar, 2018
Access: The George K. Arthur Political Papers is open for research.
Reproduction of Materials:
See Archivist for information on reproducing materials from this collection, including photocopies, digital camera images, or digital scans, as well as copyright restrictions that may pertain to these materials.
Even though all reasonable and customary best-practices have been pursued, this collection may contain materials with confidential information that is protected under federal or state right to privacy laws and regulations. Researchers are advised that the disclosure of certain information pertaining to identifiable living individuals represented in this collection without the consent of those individuals may have legal ramifications (e.g., a cause of action under common law for invasion of privacy may arise if facts are published that would be deemed highly offensive to a reasonable person) for which the SUNY Buffalo State assumes no responsibility.
Preferred Citation:
[Description and dates], Box/folder number, The George K. Arthur Political Papers, Archives & Special Collections Department, E. H. Butler Library, SUNY Buffalo State.
Biographical Note:
Buffalo native George K. Arthur has been active on the local political scene for nearly half a century. Notably, he served on the Erie County Board of Supervisors from 1964-1967, as Ellicott District Councilman from 1970-1978, and then as Councilman-at-Large in 1978, eventually serving as Common Council President from 1984 until his retirement in 1996. Along the way, he ran for mayor in 1985 as the unendorsed Democratic candidate, narrowly losing to incumbent Jimmy Griffin. In 2010, he served as Secretary of the Buffalo Fiscal Stability Authority. –Art Voice 04/22/2010
Scope and Contents:
The collection contains a wealth of information concerning politics in the Buffalo and Western New York region. The collection includes: scrapbooks; certificates; plaques; photographs; videotapes; badges; newspapers; invitations; brochures; ephemera; and correspondence. Some of the topics include: the Buffalo waterfront (guide to specific materials available upon request); campaign materials for his several offices; newspaper scrapbooks detailing political activity; the African American Cultural Center; various organizations (see keyword/subject guide for specific organization lists).
The papers are arranged into three series based on acquisition dates. Each series is then broken down into topics and arranged in alphabetical order for ease of access. Keyword findings aids are also available upon request.