Title: SUNY Buffalo State, Campus Photograph Collection
Date Span: 1871-2020, bulk 1970-1990
Acquisition Number: N/A
Creator: SUNY Buffalo State
Donor: SUNY Buffalo State, various departments
Date of Acquisition: Gradual acquisition
Extent: ca. 9,000 photographs; 1200 folders; 15 linear ft.
Language: English
Location: Archives & Special Collections Department, E. H. Butler Library, SUNY Buffalo State
Processed: Sarah Banach, 2017 (undergraduate student, Spanish Language & Literature); Adam Barnes, 2017 (graduate student, Museum Studies); Hope Dunbar, 2017/2018; Heather Hartz, 2018 (undergraduate student, Design Department); Sue Jaworski, 2021-2022
Access: The SUNY Buffalo State, Campus Photograph Collection is open for research.
Reproduction of Materials:
See Archivist for information on reproducing materials from this collection, including photocopies, digital camera images, or digital scans, as well as copyright restrictions that may pertain to these materials.
Even though all reasonable and customary best-practices have been pursued, this collection may contain materials with confidential information that is protected under federal or state right to privacy laws and regulations. Researchers are advised that the disclosure of certain information pertaining to identifiable living individuals represented in this collection without the consent of those individuals may have legal ramifications (e.g., a cause of action under common law for invasion of privacy may arise if facts are published that would be deemed highly offensive to a reasonable person) for which the SUNY Buffalo State assumes no responsibility.
Preferred Citation:
[Description and dates], folder name, section, SUNY Buffalo State, Campus Photograph Collection, Archives & Special Collections Department, E. H. Butler Library, SUNY Buffalo State.
Scope and Contents:
The collection spans from 1871-2009 and is subdivided into: Activities & Events; Sports; Buffalo & the Surrounding Community; Campus Buildings; Organizations; Departments; Faculty; Students. The collection is exceptionally robust and contains approximately 8,000 print images spanning all areas of student life, from dorm construction in the 1940s to dance marathon costume parties held in the mid-1980s.
Due to the extensive holdings, the collection (and inventory) is divided by section and then alphabetically by folder title/subject.
Inventory: Please see separate .pdf document for full inventory listings.