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Archives & Special Collections: Buffalo Model Cities Expo Papers and Photographs [1966-1978]

The Monroe Fordham Regional History Center

Buffalo Model Cities Expo Papers and Photographs [1966-1978]

This collection of nine boxes of papers was preserved and organized by Ms. Theresa J. White.  Ms. White was involved with the Buffalo Model Cities Program during the early phase of its existence.  Even after she left the program she continued to collect and preserve materials that would help to document an important period in the city of Buffalo.  For more than a quarter of a century after the program ended, Ms. White continued to collect papers from that historic undertaking.  With meticulous care, and over many nears, she organized the papers into the categories in which they are filmed.  The papers were indexed and prepared for microfilming by Monroe and Freddie Mae Fordham.  The collection was filmed by Charita Jackson and LaShawanda Ingram, students at Buffalo State College.  The students were working under the supervision of the Fordham Regional History Center, at Buffalo State College.  The Students were paid from a grant from New York State.


We hope this collection suggests the enormity of the possibilities of the Model Cities Program and reflects the participation of the citizens of the whole community and their desires for the model neighborhood residents.  The collection includes:

  1. Maps, charts and references for technical assistance and instruction.
  2. New laws and policy changes of the various federal and state agencies co-sponsoring Model Cities Programs and other anti-poverty programs.
  3. Media interpretation of model neighborhood activity and that of friends, professional and semi-professional agencies and institutions stimulated by a new awareness of inner-city resident needs; and
  4. Letters, position papers, research papers, and proposals reflecting their findings, opinions, attitudes and offerings to participate.
  5. Conference and meeting notes from groups and individuals debating program needs.
  6. Lists of tapes, audio-visual aids and publications of professional and commercial groups offering to aid, teach, counsel, consult with, or lead Model Cities personnel in their action decisions.
  7. Formal evaluations with recommendations for continuation of current activity and post-program years’ extension and expansion of services.
  8. Data reflecting the political climate in the nation, state, and locality influencing model neighborhood residents, elected officials, and interested taxpayers residing outside the area who seek to stop, to share or control the projects, programs or personnel.
We recognize the efforts of those in the public or private sector, individuals and institutions, who have worked long and hard for the poor.  We understand the personal pain often associated with self evaluation as we anguish over the inadequacy of resources that are assigned to our attack on poverty.  We forgive those who point out our needs, who shelter, protect and supply resources, however meager, for our use. With great humility, we thank God for the opportunity to use those resources, and our own, to alter positively the lives of our people. To those who have judged and condemned, praised and clapped, or stood silently and watched, we hand the torch.
Theresa J. White
Buffalo, New York
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E. H. Butler Library, SUNY Buffalo State
1300 Elmwood Ave, Buffalo, NY 14222
Phone: (716) 878 6300
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