Courier-Express Newspaper Collections [1926-1982]The Courier-Express newspaper was born in 1926, with the merger of the Buffalo Courier and the Buffalo Express to form the Buffalo Courier-Express. William J. Conners, owner of the Buffalo Courier, was the person instrumental in bringing the two papers together. During the 19th century numerous newspapers existed. The Buffalo Courier-Express merger can trace its roots back to 1828. From 1828 to 1926, twelve separate newspapers merged during those years, ending with the formation of the Buffalo Courier-Express; quite a chronology for the history of this newspaper.
The Courier and then the Courier-Express took a liberal position on all issues. In the late 1970s, the Courier-Express was sold to Cowles-Media, an out of state publisher. Cowles Media decided to close the paper in 1982. The September 19, 1982 issue was the last one for this very popular Buffalo newspaper. Cowles Media donated the library to the Buffalo and Erie County Historical Society and Buffalo State College.
Hank Nuwer Hazing Collection [c. 1970-2022]Hank Nuwer, a 1968 graduate of Buffalo State College, is a social critic and author. Hank credits Buffalo State professors and students for contributing to his success as an author and journalist.
In 1999, he wanted to give something to the college in honor of Professor Fraser Drew, who inspired him to write, and in honor of a fellow classmate, the late Joe Nikiel. Hank has authored more than 18 books, one of which, Broken Pledges, was made into a 1994 TV movie, "Moment of Truth: Broken Pledges." His research on binge drinking and hazing in schools and higher education has made him a sought after expert by CNN and other national television networks doing special reports on those topics.