Audrey Barrett Gleason Fashion Illustration Collection [1959-2014, bulk 1960-1980]Audrey Barrett Gleason was a full-time fashion illustrator from 1959-1982 for Sattler’s Department Store, McCurdy’s Department Store, Wm. Hengerer’s Department Store, and L.L. Berger, Inc. In addition, she trained in art at the Rochester Institute of Technology, as well as the Albright Art School, and produced a number of art exhibitions in western New York at the Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Rochester Memorial Art Gallery, Carnegie Art Center, and Art Dialogue Gallery.
Coles, Robert TraynhamRobert Coles was a Buffalo resident and acclaimed architect who courageously championed the use of public spaces as a means to achieving racial equity.
Courier-Express Newspaper Collections [1926-1982]The Courier-Express newspaper was born in 1926, with the merger of the Buffalo Courier and the Buffalo Express to form the Buffalo Courier-Express. William J. Conners, owner of the Buffalo Courier, was the person instrumental in bringing the two papers together. During the 19th century numerous newspapers existed. The Buffalo Courier-Express merger can trace its roots back to 1828. From 1828 to 1926, twelve separate newspapers merged during those years, ending with the formation of the Buffalo Courier-Express; quite a chronology for the history of this newspaper.
The Courier and then the Courier-Express took a liberal position on all issues. In the late 1970s, the Courier-Express was sold to Cowles-Media, an out of state publisher. Cowles Media decided to close the paper in 1982. The September 19, 1982 issue was the last one for this very popular Buffalo newspaper. Cowles Media donated the library to the Buffalo and Erie County Historical Society and Buffalo State College.
Frederick Law Olmsted (Microfilm) Papers [1777-1952]Landscape architect. Correspondence, letters, books, journals, drafts of articles and books, speeches and lectures, biographical and genealogical data, business papers, scrapbooks, maps, drawings, and other papers encompassing Olmsted's career and private life. The papers focus on Olmsted's career as a landscape architect, specifically as a designer of parks and the grounds of private estates and public buildings and as a city and regional planner.
Stephen & Rachel Cain Collection (Buffalo Evening News) [c. 1930-1970]Stephen P. Cain was born Sept. 29, 1901, in Dalton, N.Y. He grew up on May Street in Buffalo. He was a 1922 graduate of Canisius College, where he served as the first editor-in-chief of the college’s yearbook, The Azuwur. After graduating, he sought work as a reporter at one of Buffalo’s six newspapers at the time. Mr. Cain later wrote about his experiences as Canisius yearbook editor and his job hunt; these writings are in the collection. He described himself in this self-written 1968 biographical sketch: “Entered newspaper field after graduating in 1922 from Canisius College with a B.A. degree. Has been city editor, assistant city editor, political editor and columnist, Albany legislative correspondent, chief rewriter and reporter on Buffalo newspapers. In free lance field has credits innovational magazines — short fiction in Extension and old Street & Smith publications, True (factual) and Reader’s Digest, an original piece. Many articles on the local scene in the Buffalo Evening News Saturday Magazine.” Over the course of his newspaper and free-lance writing career, he wrote other biographies of himself, which are in the collection. They include: “Served as a publicity man, speech writer and statementeer in several Republican campaigns, working both out of organization headquarters in the Ellicott Square and with individual candidates. Have been associated with such outstanding Republicans as Walter Mahoney, Ray Lawley, Herm Grannis, Mike Catalano, Harold Becker, Ray Biondolillo, Joe Carroll, Bernie Bird and others,” and “City editor, political editor and columnist, rewrite man and reporter, Buffalo Evening and Sunday Times, Scripps-Howard. City editor and rewrite, Akron, Ohio, Times-Press, Scripps-Howard. City desk, rewrite, reporter, Buffalo Evening News. Reporter, political writer and Albany legislative correspondent, Buffalo Courier-Express. National credits include stories in True and an original article in Reader’s Digest. A few fiction stories in Extension Magazine and Street and Smith publications. Graduate of Canisius College, Class of 1922, with a degree of Bachelor of Arts. Member of DiGamma, Canisius Honor Society. … Wife, Mrs. Rachel King Cain, is in Who’s Who of American Women and society editor of the Buffalo Evening News … Prior to that, she wrote a society column for the Buffalo Evening News.” During his career, he met and reported on many well-known local, national and international personalities. He left reporting at an early age due to arthritis and turned his talents to free-lance writing. He wrote a fictional account of growing up in Buffalo, as well as several non-fiction pieces. He died Sept. 14, 1975, at age 74 in Buffalo.
SUNY Buffalo State Photograph Collection [1871-2009]The collection spans from 1871-2009 and is subdivided into: Activities & Events; Sports; Buffalo & the Surrounding Community; Campus Buildings; Organizations; Departments; Faculty; Students. The collection is exceptionally robust and contains approximately 8,000 print images spanning all areas of student life, from dorm construction in the 1940s to dance marathon costume parties held in the mid-1980s.