Collins, Dr. CatherineRegent Catherine Fisher Collins’ educational background includes undergraduate degrees from Trocaire College in nursing and a Bachelor of Science Degree from State University College in Vocational Technical Education. She also has an earned doctoral degree from the State University of New York at Buffalo in Education Administration. From the same institution she also received her Master’s Degree in Allied Health Education and Curriculum Development, graduated from the School of Nursing in the Nurse Practitioner’s Program. Regent Collins’ holds certifications in Health Occupations and Jr. College Teaching.
Courier-Express Newspaper Collections [1926-1982]The Courier-Express newspaper was born in 1926, with the merger of the Buffalo Courier and the Buffalo Express to form the Buffalo Courier-Express. William J. Conners, owner of the Buffalo Courier, was the person instrumental in bringing the two papers together. During the 19th century numerous newspapers existed. The Buffalo Courier-Express merger can trace its roots back to 1828. From 1828 to 1926, twelve separate newspapers merged during those years, ending with the formation of the Buffalo Courier-Express; quite a chronology for the history of this newspaper.
The Courier and then the Courier-Express took a liberal position on all issues. In the late 1970s, the Courier-Express was sold to Cowles-Media, an out of state publisher. Cowles Media decided to close the paper in 1982. The September 19, 1982 issue was the last one for this very popular Buffalo newspaper. Cowles Media donated the library to the Buffalo and Erie County Historical Society and Buffalo State College.
Grace Manor Nursing Home Founding Committee Papers [1989-1993]Grace Manor Nursing Home was located at 10 Symphony Circle. The facility was approximately 81,200 sq.ft. on 2.14 acres and had a 167 patient capacity. In 1999, the building underwent a seven million dollar renovation. Grace Manor Health Care Facility, Inc. was placed in receivership by the state Department of Health in 2008. In March 2009, the nursing home officially closed its doors. It was sold at public auction in 2009.
New York State Nurses Association | Juanita Hunter, RNMrs. Hunter was a registered nurse who was very active in Buffalo’s Afro-American community. She was also active in nursing and health professional organizations. She served as President of the New York State Nurses Association. The papers in this collection pertain to Mrs. Hunter’s involvement in the Nurses Association.
Noles, EvaMrs. Eva Noles was a Buffalo African American nurse with the distinction of being numerous “firsts” of her race. Autobiographical material and resumes are included in container #1. The papers were indexed and microfilmed by Buffalo State College students, Kerry Palmer, Stacy Ocko, and Ronna Runion in 1982. The students worked under the supervision of Monroe Fordham. Mrs. Eva M. Noles is a Registered Nurse, a Nursing Educator, and a former Director of Nursing at Buffalo's world-renowned Roswell Park Cancer Institute, and the first black nurse to train in Buffalo. Mrs. Noles worked hard to end prejudice and train nurses in her thirty year tenure at Roswell Park.
Nurses United CWA Local 1168The Communications Workers of America recognized the need for a unionized workforce among health care workers in Western New York in 1981, when a group of determined registered nurses at the Buffalo General Hospital approached the CWA Union to organize. A critical part of Western New Yorks’ labor history would be carved out by 800 nurses at the Buffalo General Hospital when a strike ensued in 1983 to obtain a fair contract for the registered nurses. Debora Hayes, Patricia DeVinney, Terri Schelter and Sharon Schultz were part of the bargaining committee and Executive Board that mobilized and negotiated the first contract for eight hundred nurses at the Buffalo General Hospital. In spite of anti-union, intimidation and stall tactics the bargaining committee was successful in obtaining a fair contract for all nurses at the Buffalo General Hospital. Debora Hayes would continue her career as President of the CWA Local 1168. Debbie’s unique leadership qualities and negotiation abilities gave her the ability to lead CWA Local 1168 through the merger of the Buffalo General Hospital with the Kaleida Health System.