Buffalo State faculty, staff, and students may borrow books, media, and reserve materials at the Circulation Desk by using a valid Bengal Card. Anyone not affiliated with Buffalo State should check our Alumni and Visitors page.
Patrons who check out library materials become responsible for those materials until they are officially checked in again.
If you can't find an item in Butler Library, it may be possible to get the item from another library. View our Books from Another Library page for more details.
Stop by the Circulation Services Desk, BUTL105, or contact us if you have questions about borrowing and renewing materials, loan periods, course reserves, overdue fines, lost books, holds, searches, recalls, or lost and found items.
Reserve materials are items such as library books, personal books, videos, copies of journal articles, book chapters, and examinations that faculty would like kept separated from the general library collection and assigned shorter loan periods to assure greater availability to students.
Students who wish to borrow reserve materials can search Course Reserves, make a printout of the needed items, and take it to the Circulation Desk. No more than three reserve items may be checked out at one time. Reserve material may not be renewed.
Faculty will find information about placing materials on reserve for class use in Butler Library's reserve guidelines.
Items may be suggested for purchase through the Purchase Request Form
Students who are enrolled in a distance learning course at Buffalo State who do not reside on campus and who do not attend any other classes on the Buffalo State campus are eligible for distance learning library circulation services, including a Buffalo State Bengal ID Card. Butler Library will make every reasonable effort to mail books owned by the library directly to distance learners, with return mailers for your convenience.
Please note that we cannot mail items to a post office box. Interlibrary Loan services are also available to distance learners for items not owned by Butler Library.
Distance learners accept responsibility for the care and protection of library materials and are subject to standard fees and fines for lost, damaged, and overdue materials.