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E. H. Butler Library: edTPA

SUNY Buffalo State College Library

edTPA Kits

New York State teacher certification examination requirements include the successful completion of the Teacher Performance Assessment (edTPA). This requirement will be completed during your student teaching placement. The edTPA requires the submission of a video recording of you teaching. Requirements for the content, length, and number of clips vary. Consult your subject specific edTPA guidelines for the specific requirements for your video submission.

As a student teacher, you have a few options to capture, compress and transfer video for the edTPA requirement:

  1. Borrow a library edTPA Kit using the reservation form below;
  2. Use equipment borrowed from your department;
  3. Use your own equipment.


EdTPA Video Kit Reservation Form


Library edTPA Kit Contents

The Library edTPA kit includes the following items:

  • Apple iPad with iMovie
  • Movie Mount
  • Tripod
  • Wide angle lens

Please make a research appointment if you need assistance with the kits or video editing. You can also get a quick introduction to editing video with the iPad iMovie:


Loan Periods

  • Reservations must be made at least one day in advance.
  • Maximum loan period is 14 days but will vary depending on availability of equipment.
  • You must use a Buffalo State e-mail address when filling out the request form.



The patron who checks out the equipment is solely responsible for its safe return in good condition and will be held financially liable for theft, loss, or damage. Equipment must be checked in by a library staff member. Library staff will verify that the equipment was returned in good condition and that no accessories are missing.

EdTPA Video Kit Documents






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E. H. Butler Library, SUNY Buffalo State
1300 Elmwood Ave, Buffalo, NY 14222
Phone: (716) 878 6300
Fax: (716) 878-3134
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