The emergence of open access (OA) publishing has been driven by the need for more equitable dissemination of scholarly knowledge. Over the past two decades, various OA models have been developed, including gold, green, hybrid, and diamond models, each with distinct characteristics regarding access and funding mechanisms. In order to support the gold OA model, where authors or their institutions pay an article processing charge to make the content freely available, this dedicated fund has been created.
As of recent estimates, the percentage of open access publishing has seen significant growth. Elsevier indicates that a quarter of its publishing output in 2023 was open access and nearly all of its journals now support some form of OA1. Cambridge reports a steady increase in OA publishing, from 7% in 2017 up to 64% in 20232. Open access and open data requirements from major funders continue to drive this movement3.
If you are a Buffalo State University scholar who is publishing in open access journals and seeking a funding source for the article processing charges, please complete the form below. Make sure you read the full program guidelines linked below.
Application Form
If you have any questions regarding this program or about open access publishing, please refer to the various tabs located in this guide or contact the Butler library.
Want to learn more about open access and other emergent topics in scholarly publishing? Join us for the
Faculty Scholarship Series, on April 24, 2025.